Saturday 4 July 2015

The Gunman full Movie

The Gunman

A sniper on a mercenary assassination team, kills the minister of mines of the Congo. Terrier's successful kill shot forces him into hiding. Returning to the Congo years later, he becomes the target of a hit squad himself.


 Pierre Morel


 Jean-Patrick Manchette (novel), Don MacPherson(screenplay)



A sniper on a mercenary assassination team, working for an unknown client, kills the minister of mines of the Congo. Terrier's (Sean Penn's) successful kill shot forces him to go into hiding to protect himself and the members of the team from retribution. This includes abruptly abandoning his girlfriend who has no idea what is going on. The assassination, paid for by a foreign mining company, triggers wide spread chaos and death in an already inflamed Congo. Terrier returns to the Congo years later working for an NGO, but eventually finds himself to be the target of a paid hit squad somehow connected to the ministers assassination. This leads to immediate deaths and the endangerment of the people working around him, and forces him back into hiding. In trying to discover who has put a price on his head, he begins to reconnect to the members of his old assassination team, including his old girlfriend. Always aware there is no path to redemption for his crimes, he is also periodically

Box Office


 $40,000,000 (estimated)

Opening Weekend:

 $5,028,702 (USA) (20 March 2015)


 $10,640,645 (USA) (24 April 2015)

User Reviews

The trailers were a bit deceiving. It looked like an action packed film, but it was a heavy political drama instead. Needless to say, I thought this movie was a mixed-bag. It has moments where it reels you in with some brilliant tension, but then loses your interest altogether by being overly talky and depressing. This movie is a pretty joyless movie that doesn't offer much in the way of entertainment. I'm extremely picky on political movies because they have a tendency to be really boring. This movie falls under that category. There is some action. I'll give Sean Penn credit for holding his own in that department. He looks buff and seems to be in pretty good shape, but he wasn't that convincing in the role of a tough guy. He does fine during the fights, but he felt out-of-place. I've definitely seen him do better. Javier Bardem is fun, but goes a bit OTT. He doesn't know when enough is enough. Idris Elba isn't in the movie as much as you may think. His part isn't much. Jasmine Trica isn't that great as the love interest. She's bland and didn't offer anything special. I didn't buy her romance with Penn. Winstone has presence and does fine his role. Mark Rylance makes a boring villain

This movie is overlong, plodding, boring, and way too heavy-handed to fully succeed. It has its moments, but not nearly enough of them. Wait for cable, VOD, or Blu-Ray/DVD! Don't waste your money on it at a theater. 

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